Course React.js


10 in stock


In this course React.js we covers from the basics to more advanced topics in React.js, ensuring that you get a thorough understanding of how to use React to build dynamic and responsive web applications.

Module 1: Introduction to React.js

  • Lesson 1: Understanding Front-End Web Development

    • Overview of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Introduction to Single Page Applications (SPAs)
  • Lesson 2: Introduction to React.js

    • History and principles of React
    • React vs. other front-end frameworks
  • Lesson 3: Setting Up the Development Environment

    • Node.js, npm, and create-react-app
    • Introduction to the React developer tools

Module 2: React Basics

  • Lesson 1: JSX

    • Understanding JSX syntax
    • JSX vs. HTML: Key differences
  • Lesson 2: Components and Props

    • Functional components vs. class components
    • Passing and accessing props
  • Lesson 3: State and Lifecycle

    • Understanding state in React
    • Component lifecycle methods

Module 3: Advanced React Concepts

  • Lesson 1: Handling Events

    • Event handling in React
    • Binding event handlers in class components
  • Lesson 2: Conditional Rendering

    • Inline conditionals in JSX
    • Conditional rendering of components
  • Lesson 3: Lists and Keys

    • Rendering lists in React
    • Understanding keys and their importance

Module 4: State Management and Hooks

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Hooks

    • Understanding hooks in React
    • useState and useEffect hooks
  • Lesson 2: Advanced Hooks

    • useContext, useReducer, and useMemo
    • Custom hooks
  • Lesson 3: State Management

    • Understanding state management
    • Introduction to Context API and Redux

Module 5: Routing and Navigation

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to React Router

    • Setting up React Router
    • Configuring routes
  • Lesson 2: Navigation and Parameters

    • Programmatic navigation
    • Passing and reading parameters and query strings

Module 6: Calling APIs and Data Fetching

  • Lesson 1: Fetching Data in React

    • Using fetch and Axios for API calls
    • Handling asynchronous data
  • Lesson 2: Integrating Third-Party Libraries

    • Popular React libraries (Formik, Yup, React-Query)
    • Enhancing React apps with third-party libraries

Module 7: Testing and Deployment

  • Lesson 1: Testing in React

    • Introduction to Jest
    • Testing components and hooks
  • Lesson 2: Deployment

    • Building and optimizing React apps for production
    • Deploying React apps to Netlify or Vercel

Module 8: Project

  • Capstone Project

    • Planning and creating a React application
    • Incorporating learned concepts and best practices
    • Project presentation and feedback


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